Launcher (ffxivlauncher.exe)
This is the program that logins into the official servers and launches the game.
History #
Since FFXIV has been around for a long time, it’s went through several launcher redesigns.
1.x #
This is the launcher used for 1.x, before A Realm Reborn. This screensot is a recreation by Ioncannon, as I can’t find the original login page anywhere online.

2.x #
This launcher design was launched with A Realm Reborn and had been in service until Endwalker.

6.5+ #
This is the current iteration of the launcher, and the old launcher can no longer be used and all users must use the new design (as of 6.5+)

Internals #
The launcher is wrapper of a website, and the page is served by the Frontier server on URLs such as
In order for the launcher to actually launch anything useful, it uses JavaScript callbacks into native code.
For details on how logging into the Square Enix servers work, see the relevant page on this concept.
Arguments #
Like the other executables, it requires you to pass these using the SqexArg format.
(Required)- This is a strange argument. This appears to be a random gibberish of numbers:
/T =1000000 /ExecuteArg =14431503 /UserPath =C:/users/yourname/Documents/My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn
In reality, decompiling the launcher reveals that they are sprintf’ing in this format:
- 1st arg - current month + 1
- 2nd arg - current day
- 3rd arg - current hour
- 4th arg - current minute
- Your usual path to your FFXIV data folder in
My Documents
- Your usual path to your FFXIV data folder in