#![allow(unused_variables)] use std::io::Read;
use std::io::Seek;
use std::io::SeekFrom;
use std::io::Write;
use crate::crc::Jamcrc;
use crate::sqpack::SqPackHeader;
use binrw::BinRead;
use binrw::BinResult;
use binrw::BinWrite;
use binrw::Endian;
use binrw::Error;
use binrw::binrw;
pub struct SegementDescriptor {
count: u32,
offset: u32,
size: u32,
#[brw(pad_after = 40)]
sha1_hash: [u8; 20],
#[brw(repr = u8)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum IndexType {
pub struct SqPackIndexHeader {
size: u32,
#[brw(pad_after = 4)]
file_descriptor: SegementDescriptor,
data_descriptor: SegementDescriptor,
unknown_descriptor: SegementDescriptor,
folder_descriptor: SegementDescriptor,
#[brw(pad_size_to = 4)]
pub(crate) index_type: IndexType,
#[brw(pad_before = 656)]
#[brw(pad_after = 44)]
sha1_hash: [u8; 20],
#[br(import(index_type: &IndexType))]
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Hash {
#[br(pre_assert(*index_type == IndexType::Index1))]
SplitPath { name: u32, path: u32 },
#[br(pre_assert(*index_type == IndexType::Index2))]
pub struct FileEntryData {
pub is_synonym: bool,
pub data_file_id: u8,
pub offset: u64,
impl BinRead for FileEntryData {
type Args<'a> = ();
fn read_options<R: Read + Seek>(
reader: &mut R,
endian: Endian,
(): Self::Args<'_>,
) -> BinResult<Self> {
let data = <u32>::read_options(reader, endian, ())?;
Ok(Self {
is_synonym: (data & 0b1) == 0b1,
data_file_id: ((data & 0b1110) >> 1) as u8,
offset: (data & !0xF) as u64 * 0x08,
impl BinWrite for FileEntryData {
type Args<'a> = ();
fn write_options<W: Write + Seek>(
writer: &mut W,
endian: Endian,
(): Self::Args<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let data: u32 = self.offset.wrapping_div(0x08) as u32;
data.write_options(writer, endian, ())
#[brw(import(index_type: &IndexType))]
pub struct FileEntry {
pub hash: Hash,
pub data: FileEntryData,
#[bw(calc = 0)]
#[br(if(*index_type == IndexType::Index1))]
padding: u32,
pub struct DataEntry {
unk: [u8; 256],
pub struct FolderEntry {
hash: u32,
files_offset: u32,
#[brw(pad_after = 4)]
total_files_size: u32,
pub struct IndexEntry {
pub hash: u64,
pub data_file_id: u8,
pub offset: u64,
pub struct SqPackIndex {
sqpack_header: SqPackHeader,
#[br(seek_before = SeekFrom::Start(sqpack_header.size.into()))]
index_header: SqPackIndexHeader,
#[br(seek_before = SeekFrom::Start(index_header.file_descriptor.offset.into()), count = index_header.file_descriptor.size / 16, args { inner: (&index_header.index_type,) })]
pub entries: Vec<FileEntry>,
#[br(seek_before = SeekFrom::Start(index_header.data_descriptor.offset.into()))]
#[br(count = index_header.data_descriptor.size / 256)]
pub data_entries: Vec<DataEntry>,
#[br(seek_before = SeekFrom::Start(index_header.folder_descriptor.offset.into()))]
#[br(count = index_header.folder_descriptor.size / 16)]
pub folder_entries: Vec<FolderEntry>,
const CRC: Jamcrc = Jamcrc::new();
impl SqPackIndex {
pub fn from_existing(path: &str) -> Option<Self> {
let mut index_file = std::fs::File::open(path).ok()?;
Self::read(&mut index_file).ok()
pub fn calculate_partial_hash(path: &str) -> u32 {
let lowercase = path.to_lowercase();
pub fn calculate_hash(&self, path: &str) -> Hash {
let lowercase = path.to_lowercase();
match &self.index_header.index_type {
IndexType::Index1 => {
if let Some(pos) = lowercase.rfind('/') {
let (directory, filename) = lowercase.split_at(pos);
let directory_crc = CRC.checksum(directory.as_bytes());
let filename_crc = CRC.checksum(filename[1..filename.len()].as_bytes());
Hash::SplitPath {
name: filename_crc,
path: directory_crc,
} else {
panic!("This is unexpected, why is the file sitting outside of a folder?");
IndexType::Index2 => Hash::FullPath(CRC.checksum(lowercase.as_bytes())),
pub fn exists(&self, path: &str) -> bool {
let hash = self.calculate_hash(path);
self.entries.iter().any(|s| s.hash == hash)
pub fn find_entry(&self, path: &str) -> Option<IndexEntry> {
let hash = self.calculate_hash(path);
if let Some(entry) = self.entries.iter().find(|s| s.hash == hash) {
let full_hash = match hash {
Hash::SplitPath { name, path } => ((path as u64) << 32) | (name as u64),
Hash::FullPath(hash) => hash as u64,
return Some(IndexEntry {
hash: 0,
data_file_id: entry.data.data_file_id,
offset: entry.data.offset,
mod tests {
use std::{io::Cursor, path::PathBuf};
use binrw::BinWrite;
use super::*;
fn test_index_invalid() {
let mut d = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
fn readwrite_index1_file_entry() {
let data = [
0xEF, 0x02, 0x50, 0x1C, 0x68, 0xCF, 0x4E, 0x00, 0x60, 0x01, 0x6E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00,
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&data);
let file_entry =
FileEntry::read_options(&mut cursor, Endian::Little, (&IndexType::Index1,)).unwrap();
let expected_hash = Hash::SplitPath {
name: 475005679,
path: 5164904,
assert_eq!(file_entry.hash, expected_hash);
assert_eq!(file_entry.data.data_file_id, 0);
assert_eq!(file_entry.data.offset, 57674496);
let mut new_data = Vec::new();
let mut write_cursor = Cursor::new(&mut new_data);
.write_options(&mut write_cursor, Endian::Little, (&IndexType::Index1,))
assert_eq!(new_data, data);