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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Joshua Goins <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
//! Crate for reading and writing the file formats used by FFXIV.
extern crate core;
/// Represents a continuous block of memory which is not owned, and comes either from an in-memory location or from a file.
pub type ByteSpan<'a> = &'a [u8];
/// Represents a continuous block of memory which is owned.
pub type ByteBuffer = Vec<u8>;
/// Reading and writing game data repositories, such as "ffxiv" and "ex1", and so on.
pub mod gamedata;
/// Parsing game repositories, such as "ffxiv", "ex1" and their version information.
pub mod repository;
/// Handling and updating data in the "boot" directory, which contains the launcher files.
pub mod bootdata;
/// SqPack file formats - including Db, Data and Index/Index2 files.
pub mod sqpack;
mod compression;
/// Reading model (MDL) files.
pub mod model;
/// All of the races in Eorzea in a nice enum package.
pub mod race;
/// Reading Excel lists (EXL).
pub mod exl;
/// Reading equipment and equipment-related data.
pub mod equipment;
/// Common structures, enumerations and functions used by many modules.
pub mod common;
/// Methods for installing game and boot patches.
pub mod patch;
/// Implementation of the Blowfish ECB block cipher used by the retail client. It's used to encrypt arguments in the launcher, to prevent login token snooping.
pub mod blowfish;
/// Reading Excel header files (EXH).
pub mod exh;
/// Reading Excel data files (EXD).
pub mod exd;
/// Reading Havok XML sidecar files.
pub mod skeleton;
/// Reading file info files (FIIN).
pub mod fiin;
/// Reading and writing chat logs (LOG).
pub mod log;
/// Reading textures (TEX).
pub mod tex;
/// Reading material files (MTRL)
pub mod mtrl;
/// Reading shader packages (SHPK)
pub mod shpk;
/// Reading character parameter files (CMP)
pub mod cmp;
/// Reading and writing character data files (DAT) which are used in the character creator to save presets.
pub mod chardat;
/// Reading and writing the content of gear sets (GEARSET.DAT) which are used to store a character's gear sets.
pub mod gearsets;
/// Reading and writing the plaintext config files (CFG) used by the game to store most of it's configuration.
pub mod cfg;
mod havok;
/// Reading bone deform matrices.
pub mod pbd;
mod crc;
mod sha1;
mod model_file_operations;
pub mod model_vertex_declarations;
pub mod lgb;
pub mod tera;
/// Reading data from executables
pub mod execlookup;
mod common_file_operations;
/// Reading word dictionaries, such as the vulgar word list.
pub mod dic;
pub const PHYSIS_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
/// Reading ULD files
pub mod uld;
/// Reading SGB files
pub mod sgb;
/// Reading SCD files
pub mod scd;
/// Reading HWC files
pub mod hwc;
/// Reading IWC files
pub mod iwc;
/// Reading TMB files
pub mod tmb;
/// Reading SKP files
pub mod skp;
/// Reading SCHD files
pub mod schd;
/// Reading PHYB files
pub mod phyb;
/// Reading PAP files
pub mod pap;
/// Reading AVFX files
pub mod avfx;
/// Reading STM files
pub mod stm;
/// Find existing installation directories
pub mod existing_dirs;
/// Reading patch lists
pub mod patchlist;
mod bcn;
/// Reading the binary .dat files in the user folder (e.g. GEARSET.dat)
pub mod dat;